12th May 2022

The Charlie Ward Show Update 12th May 2022

Masterplan Of Evil.

Part 2 Elimination of Water Based Energy.


Good day Patriot,

Yesterday’s newsletter covered eliminating access to water, today we discover how water and water fuelled energy are linked and could both be restricted.

Water is the greatest resource for life on earth. Various human activities affect the quality and quantity of this precious resource, and there are many initiatives to ensure water resources are protected from overuse, pollution, and industrial and agricultural waste. Since the energy sector is the second largest consumer of water after agriculture, water and energy systems are highly interlinked. Specifically, a significant amount of water is used in the energy generation process primarily for producing steam and for cooling processes, the water used for cooling processes will be returned to the reservoir. Consequently, most fossil-based power plants, in addition to consuming water, impact the water resources by raising the temperature of water withdrawn for cooling.


Limited water resources can also affect the ability to generate electric power to meet the demand. Therefore, integrated planning for the interleaved energy and water sectors is essential for both water and energy savings.


“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

John 17:17


Lots of love,



Don’t forget if you’re looking to protect your retirement in the USA

you can switch your IRA or 401k to gold.

Head over to www.charlies.gold to find out more.

If you’re looking to buy Gold & Silver, make sure you speak to Adam & James first at  www.goldbusters.co.uk worldwide service!



11th May 2022

The Charlie Ward Show Update 11th May 2022

Masterplan Of Evil


Good day Patriot,


Part One, Eliminate Access to Drinking Water Supplies.


Amid the West’s climate change fuelled mega drought, Lake Mead, the largest manmade reservoir in the country has fallen to an unprecedented low. A valve that has been in service since 1971 can no longer draw water, according to the Southern Nevada Water Authority, responsible for managing water resources for 2.2 million people in Southern Nevada, including Las Vegas.


Photos taken recently show the eldest of the agency’s three intake valves high and dry above the water line. “When the lake hit 1060 (feet above sea level), that’s when you could start to see the top of the intake number one,” said Bronson Mack, public outreach officer for the Southern Nevada Water Authority.  Lake Mead hit 1,060 feet above sea level on April 4 and now stands at approximately 1055 feet.

A valve situated deeper at the bottom of Lake Mead is currently being used for the first time.


The Colorado River fills Lake Mead and Lake Powell, another critical reservoir in the West. This river system supports more than 40 million people living across seven Western States and Mexico. Both reservoirs provide drinking water and irrigation for many communities across the region, including rural farms, ranches and native communities. The federal government declared a water shortage on the Colorado River for the first-time last summer. The west is suffering its worst drought in 1,200 years.


When the Lord speaks to us, we listen, and it is our duty to let the people know what is being said. It is to preserve life and continue our right to exist in peace and prosperity.

Lots of love,




Don’t forget if you’re looking to protect your retirement in the USA

you can switch your IRA or 401k to gold.

Head over to www.charlies.gold to find out more.

If you’re looking to buy Gold & Silver, make sure you speak to Adam & James first at  www.goldbusters.co.uk worldwide service!



10th May 2022


The Charlie Ward Show Update 10th May 2022


Masterplan Of Evil


Good day Patriot,

Today’s newsletter and for the following week, I’ll be disclosing details of a large document I’ve received. Details involve a list of strategies planned by The Cabal, Illuminati, One World Order and evil forces. A plan to starve humanity of all elements known to sustain life.

A masterplan of evil, most people will continue life in a zombie state of delusion believing everything they are fed by the MSM. Much of what they are fed is a distraction from the evil plan. A plan to depopulate the world by disrupting the basic infrastructure needed to sustain life. The only survivors will be slaves to evil.

In tomorrow’s newsletter I can reveal the plan to eliminate access to drinking water, evidence of which is in existence.


“Teaching you to be honest and to speak the truth, so that you bring back truthful reports to those you serve”

Proverbs 22:21


Lots of love,



Don’t forget if you’re looking to protect your retirement in the USA

you can switch your IRA or 401k to gold.

Head over to www.charlies.gold to find out more.

If you’re looking to buy Gold & Silver, make sure you speak to Adam & James first at  www.goldbusters.co.uk worldwide service!



9th May 2022


The Charlie Ward Show Update 9th May 2022


The Great Awakening Tour


Good day Patriot,

What an incredible weekend!

I’m overwhelmed at the outpouring of love and support the team received on Sunday. The Great Awakening Tour was brilliant, a complete success thanks to each and everyone that made the Journey to Birmingham.

Thank you to anyone who shared a life story, books they’ve written or a planned humanitarian project with the team. We met so many amazing people we have some very exciting interviews to organise.

Pictures and videos from the event will be posted to the website this week. www.charlieward.t.v

The next event will be in September. The Great Awakening Tour will start in London followed by Dublin a week later, dates, venues and guests to be confirmed.

In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”. Thessalonians 5:18


Lots of love,



Don’t forget if you’re looking to protect your retirement in the USA

you can switch your IRA or 401k to gold.

Head over to www.charlies.gold to find out more.

If you’re looking to buy Gold & Silver, make sure you speak to Adam & James first at  www.goldbusters.co.uk worldwide service!



7th May 2022

The Charlie Ward Show Update 7th May 2022

The Great Awakening Tour Week

Good day Patriot,
The official tour is tomorrow, among the guest speakers will be: –

Mark Attwood will host the event introducing …

Charlie Ward
Simon Parkes
Lucy Davies
David Mahoney
Alpa Soni
Mike Shinton
Tiana Khalid

Elyse & David Ian Rogers

Also a live link with Ann Vandersteel

Tom Numbers

James @ Goldbusters

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned”.
Isaiah 9:2

Lots of love,
Don’t forget if you’re looking to protect your retirement in the USA
you can switch your IRA or 401k to gold.
Head over to www.charlies.gold to find out more.
If you’re looking to buy Gold & Silver, make sure you speak to Adam & James first at www.goldbusters.co.uk worldwide service!


6th May 2022

The Charlie Ward Show Update 6th May 2022

The Great Awakening Tour Week

Good day Patriot,
Counting down to the official tour on Sunday guests include: –
Simon Parkes, Initiator and founder of Connecting Consciousness. A former British elected politician who served a full term in office and has access to helpful sources of information. In addition to his spiritual awareness Simon also has a lifetime of experience with extra-planetary lifeforms.

Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary on the criminal ballot fraud in the 2020 US Presidential Election which changed the legitimate outcome. Out 7th May.

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” Psalm 91:11

Lots of love,
Don’t forget if you’re looking to protect your retirement in the USA
you can switch your IRA or 401k to gold.
Head over to www.charlies.gold to find out more.
If you’re looking to buy Gold & Silver, make sure you speak to Adam & James first at www.goldbusters.co.uk worldwide service!


5th May 2022

The Charlie Ward Show Update 5th May 2022

The Great Awakening Tour Week

Good day Patriot,
This a very exciting week, the Quantum team are working extremely hard behind the scenes, nothing is in plain sight.
This is a military operation, there will be NO telegraphing of information but also no reason to worry.
Everything is under control, it’s important that the masses wake up to the truth. This is not an easy journey, people have been conditioned not to question what they see, hear and read. Hard for those who seek the truth to convince them they have been conned by people they believed they should trust.

“Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth”.
John 17:17

Meet Charlie in Birmingham on 8th May for
The Great Awakening Tour.
To get tickets please follow the link www.charlieward.tv/tickets

Lots of love,
Don’t forget if you’re looking to protect your retirement in the USA
you can switch your IRA or 401k to gold.
Head over to www.charlies.gold to find out more.
If you’re looking to buy Gold & Silver, make sure you speak to Adam & James first at www.goldbusters.co.uk worldwide service!


4th May 2022

The Charlie Ward Show Update 4th May 2022

Good day Patriot,
The Great Awakening Tour Week

Special Counsel John Durham has just provided the FEC reports detailing how the Clinton campaign and DNC broke election laws in their payments to Fusion GPS. The firm has worked extensively for clients with ties to the Democratic Party and has a long history of controversial research.
BlackRock and Vanguard are taking over centralized food production technologies and will have near-total control over the future food supply in America. Both investment firms hold significant shares in many of the world’s leading companies and can therefore wield significant voting rights.
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”
Romans 12:12

Meet Charlie in Birmingham on 8th May for
The Great Awakening Tour.
To get tickets please follow the link www.charlieward.tv/tickets

Lots of love,
Don’t forget if you’re looking to protect your retirement in the USA
you can switch your IRA or 401k to gold.
Head over to www.charlies.gold to find out more.
If you’re looking to buy Gold & Silver, make sure you speak to Adam & James first at www.goldbusters.co.uk worldwide service!
